ESSA Equitable Services Resources
( 2/4/2025)
Quarterly MEP District Liaisons Meeting 2-25-25
( 1/27/2025)
Title IV, Part A Connect and Collaborate Cafe 2/18/25
( 1/27/2025)
2025 Title II Non-Regulatory Guidance
( 1/14/2025)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
I hope that this message finds you happy and well.
Please see the 2025 Non-Regulatory Guidance for Title II, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).
Organized by topic, the guidance reflects responses to frequently asked questions from States, local educational agencies, and school leaders on program requirements for Title II, Part A.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.
We will be reviewing some of the content during our next Title II Articulation and Support Meeting (10 am on January 28 - Outlook invites already sent).
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 274 512 553 761
Passcode: Vz7RVJ
I hope that you can attend!
All my best,
Marc Edery, Ed.D.
Education Associate and Program Manager
Title II, Part A
FY2026 CGA Roadshow Training - April 30, 2025
( 1/7/2025)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
Please save the date - CGA "Roadshow" training will take place on Wednesday, April 30 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Training will take place remotely, via MS Teams:
Meeting ID: 257 687 873 349 - Passcode: CYjJRo
Join the meeting now
Please register in PDMS for Section #88187, Course #27968 to receive professional learning credit.
This training will provide an overview of the Consolidated Grant Application (CGA) requirements and time frames, with an emphasis on how to navigate the online system platform.
The training will include new questions, guidance on how to respond to requirements, expectations for budgeted items, changes to the application format, and tips for responding to specific questions for each program.
DDOE program managers will be present to provide guidance to participants. Program-specific technical resources will also be provided to participants. The targeted audience is all CGA end users.
If you are a new user to eGrants, please also feel free to contact Dr. Marc Edery at or (302) 857-3353 to arrange for additional training on basic system navigation.
Thank you and we look forward to collaborating on April 30.
Marc Edery, Ed.D.
Education Associate and Program Manager
Title II, Part A, Consolidated Grant Application, E-Grants, and ESSA Monitoring
School Improvement
Equitable Services Ombudsman
(302) 857-3353
Title II, Part A Non Regulatory Guidance December 2024
( 12/4/2024)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
The US Department of Education just released the following Non-Regulatory guidance for Title II, Part A:
Using Title II, Part A Funds to Strategically Support Educator Recruitment, Retention, Professional Learning, and Improved Student Outcomes December 2024 Non-Regulatory Guidance U.S. Department of Education
Please be sure to review this resource, and take the guidance under consideration while submitting Consolidated Grant Application (CGA) amendment requests for FY24 and FY25. Please also refer to this resource when creating Title II, Part A budgets within the FY26 CGA.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.
Thank you,
Marc Edery
Marc Edery, Ed.D.
Education Associate and Program Manager
Title II, Part A
Consolidated Grant Application, E-Grants, and Federal Monitoring
Equitable Services Ombudsman
Delaware Department of Education
(302) 857-3353
Gun-Free Schools Act Assurances added to FY25 CGA
( 10/1/2024)
Reminder to Resubmit FY2025 CGA
( 9/30/2024)
September 9 CGA Technical Assistance Session via MS Teams
( 8/14/2024)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
DDOE is pleased to offer an online CGA technical assistance session on September 9, 2024 from 10:00-11:45.
Please note that that all LEAs are required to make an initial submission of the CGA no later than September 16. Points are earned on the Monitoring Tool for making CGA submissions on time.
The FY25 CGA Calendar is located here.
DDOE Program Manager contact information is located here.
During this session, DDOE Program Managers will provide technical support to LEAs in preparation for the September 16 CGA submission. All LEAs are welcome to attend regardless of how many submissions have been made to date.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
The session will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams:
Meeting ID: 243 297 102 467
Passcode: fcqCva
Dial in by phone
Phone conference ID: 393 700 289#
For organizers: Meeting options|Reset dial-in PIN
Please feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.
Thank you,
DDOE Title Programs and Grant Support Workgroup
CGA Training Video Posted in Schoology
( 8/6/2024)
August 5 CGA Technical Assistance Session
( 7/31/2024)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
DDOE is pleased to offer an online CGA technical assistance session on August 5, 2024 from 10:15-11:45. Please note that the start time has been changed to 10:15.
DDOE Program Managers will provide technical support to LEAs in preparation for the August 12 CGA submission. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
The session will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID: 269 958 210 168
Passcode: FebCTr
Phone conference ID: 617 078 566#
Thank you,
DDOE Title Programs and Grant Support Workgroup
FY24-25 Title Programs Monitoring
( 7/25/2024)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
We hope that this message finds you well. 11 LEAs have been selected for FY24-25 monitoring for Title I, Title II, Title III, Title IV, and ESSER.
The LEA Monitoring Schedule is located here.
If your LEA has not been selected for monitoring during this cycle, no further action is needed.
For the 11 LEAs that have been selected for monitoring, please plan to attend the following training session:
Please save the date - a mandatory training session will take place on October 14, 2024 from 10:00-12:00.
The training will be delivered via Microsoft Teams:
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 256 393 318 500
Passcode: yYWckt
Dial in by phone
+1 302-467-3191,,354270007#United States, Wilmington
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 354 270 007#
Please register for this session in PDMS in order to receive PD credit hours - Course 28499, Section 86292:
Please feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.
Thank you,
DDOE Title Programs and Grant Support Workgroup
August 12 LEA CGA Submission Date
( 7/24/2024)
Equitable Services Professional Development Session Video
( 7/10/2024)
July 9 CGA Support Session video is posted in Schoology
( 7/10/2024)
CGA technical assistance session on August 5
( 7/10/2024)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
DDOE is pleased to offer an online CGA technical assistance session on August 5, 2024 from 10:15-11:45. Please note that the start time has been changed to 10:15.
DDOE Program Managers will provide technical support to LEAs in preparation for the August 12 CGA submission. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
The session will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID: 269 958 210 168
Passcode: FebCTr
Phone conference ID: 617 078 566#
Thank you,
DDOE Title Programs and Grant Support Workgroup
Final Allocations and OEC Rates have been updated in the CGA
( 7/5/2024)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
Please note that final allocations and OEC rates have been updated in the FY2025 Consolidated Grant Application (CGA).
The first (voluntary) LEA due date for submitting the CGA is on July 15, 2024. LEAs are not required to make a submission on this date. LEAs that choose to submit on this date will be able to re-code back to July 15, 2024.
The FY2025 CGA Timeline/Calendar is located here
Please feel free to reach out for technical assistance at any time.
DDOE Program Manager contact information is located here
Thank you,
DDOE Title Programs and Grant Support Workgroup
Equitable Services Articulation / Support Session - July 10
( 6/21/2024)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
You are invited to attend an Equitable Services Articulation and Support Session to take place on July 10 at 10am.
The target audience is traditional LEA staff who work with any aspect of equitable services, equitable share, meaningful consultation, etc.
The expectation is that at least one individual from each traditional LEA will attend this meeting. We will be covering the essentials of interacting with private schools and a sample timeline of activities that will ensure that LEAs are in compliance with equitable services requirements.
The session will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams:
Meeting ID: 257 638 310 869
Passcode: 9FqrGk
Phone conference ID: 300 230 883#
Please feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.
Thank you,
Marc Edery
Marc Edery, Ed.D.
Education Associate and Program Manager
Title II, Part A
Consolidated Grant Application, E-Grants, and Federal Monitoring
Equitable Services Ombudsman
Delaware Department of Education
Collette Education Center
35 Commerce Way, Suite 1
Dover, DE 19904
(302) 857-3353
FAX (302) 739-1769
July 9 CGA Technical Assistance Session via MS Teams 9:45 am
( 6/11/2024)
Greetings LEA Colleagues,
DDOE is pleased to offer an online technical assistance session prior to the July submission of the FY25 CGA.
Please fill out this form to register for the July 9 CGA PD session.
The session will begin at 9:45 am.
DDOE Program Managers will provide technical support to LEAs in preparation for the July CGA submission. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
The session will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID: 271 956 105 992
Passcode: 4x8ynX
Phone conference ID: 195 891 944#
CTE Perkins/CGA Guidance
( 6/10/2024)
Dear CTE Directors,
There was a question posed during the May CTE Cadre in regard to early submission (July 15) of the Consolidated Grant and the Perkins section not being complete. After discussing this question internally, below is the decision that was made:
Districts may submit their Consolidated Grant Applications on July 15 with an incomplete CTE Perkins Secondary section, provided they have not budgeted any CTE Perkins Secondary funding. Once a district creates any budget entries for CTE Perkins Secondary, the system validations will force the district to respond to all required items in the CTE Perkins Secondary section. Provided they have not budgeted CTE Perkins Secondary funds, districts may submit their Consolidated Grant Application with as much or as little of the CTE Perkins Secondary application completed as they like.
This exception only applies to the Early Submissions on July 15. Submissions after July 15 will require the Perkins Section to be completed for approval.
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Bart Gill,
Thank you.
FY25 Opportunity Fund
( 6/6/2024)
Good Afternoon, Opportunity Fund Leads,
As referenced in our Opportunity Fund Kick-Off and TA Sessions, the FY25 Opportunity Fund will become available in eGrants tomorrow, June 7th at 8 a.m. If you require assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Below you will find the links to all of the materials that were sent out after our TA session for your reference. We encourage you to take a look at these resources, specifically the Opportunity Fund Considerations document to support you in making spending decisions.
FY25 Opportunity Fund TA Presentation
FY25 Opportunity Fund Considerations Document
Regulation 702
We look forward to reviewing your applications and learning about the great ways your schools are using these targeted funds to support your students experiencing poverty and/or your students who are multilingual learners.
Maria Rodriguez
Multilingual Learner, Education Associate
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite 2
Dover, DE 19901
P. 302.735.4097
CGA Roadshow Video File and Slideshow
( 4/29/2024)
Reminder - April 25 CGA Roadshow Training via MS Teams
( 4/10/2024)
Current Listing of DE Private Schools
( 3/6/2024)
U.S. Ed Releases Resources to Support Preschool Programs
( 3/1/2024)
Biden-Harris Administration Releases Resources to Support Preschool Expansion and Early School Success
Guidance Advances President Biden’s Work to Invest in Early Learning
Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) released guidance for how states, local educational agencies (LEAs), and schools can use Title I funds to expand access to high-quality preschool for three- and four-year olds in a range of quality settings including schools, Head Start, and community-based organizations. This guidance will help ensure more children can experience early school success, and it encourages more schools across the nation to better set up kindergarten to be a sturdy bridge between the early years and the early grades. The Biden-Harris Administration has secured historic educational investments, including an additional $1.9 billion in annual funding for the Title I program since 2021. U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will highlight this announcement today during a visit to an early childhood center in New Jersey.
“High-quality, early learning opportunities are proven bridges to later academic success—and every child deserves access,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. “With the resources we’re releasing today, the Biden-Harris Administration is helping states, LEAs, schools, and communities to reach more historically underserved children with high-quality preschool programs, strengthen community partnerships, and find strategies and tools to best support educators and staff. I’m proud that the Department is a partner in raising the bar on quality and access so that more children can benefit from expanded early learning opportunities and lay the path for early school success.”
Given the clear link between high-quality preschool and student achievement, the Department has revised its Non-Regulatory Guidance on Serving Preschool Children Through Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to help states, local educational agencies (LEAs), and schools leverage these critical resources to expand access to preschool and enhance program quality. The last time this guidance was revised was in 2012, prior to the most recent reauthorization of the ESEA in 2015. The release of this guidance also follows the release of the President’s Executive Order to Increase Access to High-Quality Care and Supporting Caregivers, which directed the Department of Education to update its guidance on how schools and local educational agencies could expand access to high-quality preschool. The Department is coordinating these efforts with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to ensure quality preschool is available through a variety of settings to meet the needs of all families.
The guidance includes information on how local and state education agencies can partner with local preschool programs, Head Start, and other community-based organizations to expand access to preschool opportunities through layering and braiding federal, state, and local funds. The revised guidance further describes how Title I funds can be used to support the professional development and growth of early educators. The revised guidance also highlights ways to meet the developmental and linguistic needs of preschool students, especially children with disabilities and English learners, which is essential to achieving educational equity.
Expanding access to high-quality preschool has been a core priority for the Biden-Harris Administration since Day One. High-quality preschool is an effective strategy to improve academic and other outcomes for every student and prepare children for elementary school, and beyond. Research shows that when students from low-income backgrounds receive two years of high-quality preschool, followed by high-quality, instructionally aligned, full-day kindergarten, achievement gaps close and students are more likely to succeed in school and graduate from high school. The revised guidance will help schools expand high-quality preschool for more students by providing actionable information on how LEAs can utilize Title I, as well as other federal funds like Title III and IDEA Part B, to reach more children. The skills and knowledge that children acquire in their early years are the building blocks for life. By expanding access to high-quality preschool, coordinating transitions to kindergarten, and supporting teachers who educate our youngest learners, more students can have the opportunity to experience early school success, resulting in more students reaching third grade benchmarks that are crucial for high school graduation and future success.
The Non-Regulatory Guidance on Serving Preschool Children Through Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as Amended and accompanying Early School Success Dear Colleague Letter provide more details about how states and local leaders can ensure opportunities for all young learners.
Title IV, Part A Connect & Collaborate Café Schedule 23-24
( 2/15/2024)
Dear Title IV, Part A District Coordinators,
We are delighted to share with you the Connect & Collaborate Café Schedule of meetings for Title IV, Part A for the 2023-2024 school year. These meetings are designed to facilitate information sharing and resource exchange among LEAs, as well as to provide guidance and support for conducting the required Comprehensive Needs Assessments and completing the Consolidated Grant Application Title IV, Part A.
The Connect & Collaborate Café Schedule of Meetings for the 2023-2024 school year is as follows:
Tuesday, December 5, 2023, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The meeting was held at the Delaware Department of Education’s Collette Education Resource Center, located at 35 Commerce Way, Suite 1, in the DOE West Teleconference Room, Dover, Delaware.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Delaware Department of Education’s Collette Education Resource Center, located at 35 Commerce Way, Suite 1, in the DOE West Teleconference Room Dover, Delaware.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. The meeting password is Title IV-A. The meeting will be a virtual meeting.
Please join using the link below:
To register for these meetings, please send an email to with the names and titles of those from your district who will be in attendance. Registration is required. All LEAs are encouraged to participate.
We look forward to seeing you at the Connect & Collaborate Café and working together to improve student outcomes.
Thank you,
Charita Jackson-Durosinmi
MEP Liaison Meetings
( 2/15/2024)
We are excited to share with you the schedule of meetings for the Migrant Education Program (MEP) for the 2023-2024 school year. These meetings are designed to provide you with information, guidance, updates, resources, and support for serving the educational needs of migrant children and youth in Delaware.
Schedule of MEP Liaison Meetings:
November 28, 2023, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. This meeting was held via Webex.
February 27, 2024, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. This meeting will be held via Webex. To join the meeting, please click on the link below or copy it into your browser. The meeting password is MEP2024.
May 28, 2024, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. This meeting will be held in-person at the Collette Education Resource Center, DOE West Teleconference Room, Dover, DE. Please register for this meeting in PDMS using Course - 32188 Section – 74717. Registration opens November 28, 2023, and closes May 15, 2024.
We look forward to seeing you at these meetings, hearing your valuable feedback and collaborating with you to ensure the success of the MEP in your districts. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at or (302) 857-3333.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the MEP and the migrant students and families in Delaware.
Charita Jackson-Durosinmi
MEP Quarterly Meetings Schedule
( 11/7/2023)
Attention MEP District Liaisons
We are excited to share with you the schedule of quarterly meetings for the Migrant Education Program (MEP) for the 2023-2024 school year. These meetings are designed to provide you with information, guidance, updates, resources, and support for serving the educational needs of migrant children and youth in Delaware.
Schedule of Quarterly MEP Liaison Meetings:
November 28, 2023, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. This meeting will be held via Webex. To join the meeting please click on the link below or copy it into your browser. The meeting password is MEP2023.
February 27, 2023, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. This meeting will be held via Webex. To join the meeting, please click on the link below or copy it into your browser. The meeting password is MEP2023.
May 28, 2023, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. This meeting will be held in-person at the Collette Education Resource Center, DOE West Teleconference Room, Dover, DE. Please register for this meeting in PDMS using Course - 32188 Section – 74717. Registration opens November 28, 2023, and closes May 15, 2023.
We look forward to seeing you at the quarterly meetings, hearing your valuable feedback and collaborating with you to ensure the success of the MEP in your districts. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at or (302) 857-3333.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the MEP and the migrant students and families in Delaware.
Charita Jackson-Durosinmi
eGrants Updates
( 10/3/2023)
ESEA Title VIII Equitable Services Non-Regulatory Guidance
( 7/17/2023)
ESEA Title VIII Equitable Services Non-Regulatory Guidance
Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) released, Title VIII, Part F of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965: Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Children, Teachers, and Other Educational Personnel, Non-Regulatory Guidance (July 17, 2023).* The guidance is located on the Office of Non-Public Education’s website and available in PDF format.
Used in conjunction with the Title VIII statute and applicable regulations, the guidance consolidates and updates information previously included in multiple documents to support State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and private school officials in the implementation of the equitable services requirements under Title VIII, Part F of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).
To assist stakeholders, the Department also published a corresponding document, Summary Response to Public Comments, which provides a brief summary of significant changes and additions between the draft guidance published in March 2022 and the final version published July 17, 2023. This document is also available on the Office of Non-Public Education’s website and in PDF format.
The Department published a draft of this guidance document for public comment in March 2022 and received comments from 30 individuals/organizations. Comments addressed a variety of topics, including administrative costs, allowable uses of funds, consultation, obligation of funds, carryover, third-party contractors, religious organizations as third-party contractors, and transferability. In response to those comments, the Department addressed relevant issues by adding additional questions, revising language for clarity, and providing specific examples to illustrate complex provisions.
Please carefully review these resources. Please also feel free to reach out with questions or for technical assistance:
Dr. Marc Edery
Equitable Services Ombudsman
Delaware Department of Education
Equitable Services Updated Guidance
( 11/15/2022)
Monitoring Tool Updates
( 5/20/2021)
Good Afternoon,
We are pleased to share that every LEA across Delaware has completed one full year of piloting the eGrants Monitoring Tool! The Title Programs and Grant Support Team is in the process of generating the final monitoring reports for Cohort #2 LEAs. More information will follow shortly (prior to the end of June) in regard to how to access the monitoring reports.
LEA feedback is highly valued and will be used to make improvements for the FY2022 Monitoring Cycle. Cohort #2 LEAs - Please complete this brief feedback survey no later than June 15, 2021.
All LEAS - Please feel free to reference the 2021-2025 LEA Monitoring Schedule to determine when your LEA will be engaged in using the eGrants Monitoring Tool and/or formal SEA monitoring.
Save the date! FY2022 Monitoring Tool Training will take place on August 10, 2021 from 9:00-11:00. This mandatory training will apply to LEAs listed under the 2021-2022 Monitoring Schedule (see above link). Please note that the listing of LEAs may change slightly as a result of final monitoring results from FY2021. Stay tuned for more details and thank you in advance!
Title Programs and Grant Support Team at DDOE
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